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Writer's picturehillboone


I don't know about you but sometimes trying to find balance makes me feel like I'm on a tight rope walk above a huge canyon. Simply saying that I'm trying to find balance doesn't seem drastic or descriptive enough for the (self-induced) pressure I feel like I'm under.

The two things I currently struggle to find balance between are motivation and contentment.

In the past most of my drive, ambition, and motivation was focused on overcoming all the feelings of not being good enough. I was fighting to prove to myself and other's that I was valuable. I was also focused on all that I wanted in life. Now that I've done a lot of work on my identity in Christ, that approach isn't working so well. In fact I"m not exactly sure how to get my momentum going. Don't get me wrong, I"m doing plenty but I feel like I need a bit more gas in the tank. In the past it felt a lot different. But maybe that too is just a part of the journey, it's not going to feel as "manic" when my motivation isn't based on self-worth.

So then the other side of the balance is being content. It's difficult to be content and not just fall into complacency. How do we walk in full contentment in where the Lord has us currently but still work towards all He has for us in the future?

Personally, I keep on going back to what He says I am to do. I am to love God with all of my everything and love other's well (Matt 22:37-39), continually seek the Lord (1 Chron 16:11), follow and submit to my husband (Eph 5:22-24), care for the household and children (Proverbs 31:27; Titus 2:4-5), spread the good news of the Lord (Mark 16:15) and make disciples (Matt 28:16-20).

Even as I write this the cultural pressure to be busy, to be accomplishing, to be self-righteous and prove our own worth falls off. The Lord expects much but it really is pretty clear and simple when we get down to it. It's typically our own junk that gets in the way. This is all a part of the sanctification process!

Romans 12:2 ESV

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

As you reflect on finding balance, what do you need to bring to the Lord for His direction in how to navigate that?

How can you prioritize your time, goals and energy to align with the Lord's direction for your life?

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